About Ever Eden

Formerly a contributor and journalist for digital and print media, Ever Eden reported from activist circles in the period after 9/11. Her hands on experience with the changing of culture and the emergence of a different world inspired and cultivated her already-ingrained passion for writing fiction containing action and core human values as well as sci-fi elements.

Ever Eden grew up in Australia, in an old house the neighbours said was haunted. She wrote her first trilogy at age 13, involving a group of teens responsible for a murder in outback Australia. She then developed her passion for story-telling with short stories, novellas, songs and poetry before she stumbled into the world of Agent Cleo Darkrose (Dahcruss.)

Ever Eden, and her many pseudonyms, have written for numerous alternative news sites, international magazines and national youth publications in print as well as digital formats.


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Latest Books

King of Spades

 Cleo Darkrose is lethal. She possesses the high-tech weapons and know-how to snuff a target in seconds so she doesn’t flinch when her latest assignment comes straight from the top.


Book 2,

 A Darkrose Novel





Book 3,

 A Darkrose Novel





Book 4,

A Darkrose Novel