Twitter was a world I’ve never cared about. I had an account once, when I was writing for a news site. I noticed it was cucked and full of shit I didn’t care about so it fell to the wayside as I diverted my attention to other things. When I came back, it was demanding I sign up with a phone number so I lolled, whispered. “yeah, fuck off…” and clicked the X. That was the last of my dealings with the platform. I’ve clicked a link or two over the years when someone shares a picture of some celebrity quote that I “must see.” Other than that, Twitter isn’t a part of my world and I’ve never missed it.
I don’t care what celebrities are wearing or how they’re back-slapping each other because they’ve learned how to tag other vacuous celebrities on the interwebs. I don’t care to watch well-known figures debate social and political policy from their biased or paid-off stages or the unwashed thinking they can stop the weather buy paying them. Twitter is not a bastion I care to visit, and one of the reasons is that I can’t keep my mouth shut when I see stupidity sometimes.
So Elon, the supervillain-esque billionaire, bought the platform…finally.
The salty articles are hilarious. Do they seriously thing that “free speech” is under attack because he bought it? Really?
YOU people are bitching about having free speech muted? When only your clownspeak was allowed for the last few years? LOL
I generally stay away from hubs of ridiculousness, especially if they contain no humour or logic, but I’ve watched videos on YouTube, Odysee, other, heard many of my friends who enjoy lowbrow humour etc lament that the virtue signalling Gods at Twitter had banned them or cancelled their accounts. Apparently you can’t actually say anything unless it supports the general woke consensus of the day,” from any particular vocal or financially-backed group. And this is just my small observation from standing on the sidelines and reading the trash churned out in MSM (mainstream media) and satire sites making commentary on content fond there.
I’ve also read comments under articles of hysterical weirdos screaming about losing their free speech and being bullied. Relax, idiots. Nothing is actually going to change that much. It’s still not going to allow people to harass or bully, it’s still not going to allow criminal content etc. What I think is most exciting is some content creators found (a few months back) that their shadow ban suppressing was real, and within hours of an announcement that Elon Musk was considering buying Twitter, a lot of them suddenly saw they had thousands more followers, previously hidden.
Today I read an article about Elon Musk “spreading conspiracies” about the Pelosi hammer debarcle from the last few days. And there were a pile of comments from bots or plebs saying that they were going to close their account because he was a scary man. HAHAHA The mainstream media has been panicking for a little while now. It seems like their powers over what is considered “misinformation”or conspiracy may be about to change.
And ideas may be allowed to be presented so people have access to more information on subjects which maybe affect them.
It’s usually only a “conspiracy if you don’t look into the other sources of information, the ones that aren’t pushed in your face ad nauseam and…that Pelosi situation…welp, it needs more investigation at least, LOL If Twitter can actually allow questions again, without labelling it something negative in order to discredit the premise before one can analyse the content, maybe it will be a REAL good thing, a town square like they already claim except the whole town would be allowed to speak.
If ideas/opinions are good or interesting, then there is nothing wrong with them being heard.
If someone agrees or disagrees, leave a comment under the Tweet. Have a discussion. Shutting down discussion is the move of an intellectually dishonest coward. And there many out there.
I”m looking forward to hearing all about the discourse and ideas passed around if Elon’s managerial reign really does allow more freedom of expression on the platform from more people than just the usual crowd in the echo chamber.
Now onto Elon…He isn’t your saviour, he isn’t your hero. We don’t need another hero.
You don’t get that far up the ladder without doing some bullshit…And, as some people have said, Elon’s not perfect but he is OUR supervillian rich guy so he gets more leeway. LOL It’s fun to put your faith in someone who comes across (mostly) like a regular guy, but he’s not. Don’t forget neuralink. And maybe the acquisition of Twitter is just to build a framework for some Skynet bullshit in the future. Hey, I’m a sci fi writer, this tangent could go on for a while but I’ll choose to end this post there.
To the people scared about what Twitter is going to look like for them now that the woke umbrella covering them has gone, good luck you overly-sensitive weirdos begging for a reason to be offended or outraged every day of their lives…
Welcome to the Thunderdome, bitches.
*It makes me lol when weirdos panic about some rich dude buying a thing.
*Grow up.
*Nothing much will change at all…this is is sensationalism for clicks.
All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden
Ringmaster Brooks
Look what they did to my boyyy Picture: apparently Australia still requires you to wear a mask to sit in a lobby for a medical certificate.
I’ve watched a few trials in my time. Besides Amber Heard unable to cry on the stand but making the faces and gestures anyway, this fucking Brooks trial is the most CRINGE thing I’ve watched so far. I hate beginning a comment with: “AS A…” But, as an law student and someone who has been involved in the court system on a personal level, this whole thing is an unbelievable joke that was entertaining before but now is just…uncomfortable. I usually reserve my harsh opinions for the PTB, government, virtue signallers. But this…this “man” leaves me cringing so hard that I want to kick him in the dick because my skin is crawling so bad.
I didn’t hate him on a personal level before. Scum tends to act a certain way when in the spotlight of authority so I knew he’d be an idiotic character to observe when he took the stand…but the fact he dropped his counsel in order to represent himself was an interesting decision, ala Ted Bundy. Only, credit where it’s due, although he also believed he was smarter than he was, Ted Bundy did a hell of a lot better in court, even getting a compliment from the judge.
**On this note, in my opinion, get experienced professionals to represent you in such a high-profile and serious case. You represent yourself when you have an overdue parking ticket, not several murders attributed to you.
Yet, the jackass continued on, waiving his right to adequate counsel/representation and rocked up in his prison orange to appear in front of the jury. He claimed to the judge, after her offer to let him appear in a suit or “street clothes.” He said that “everyone” already knew he was incarcerated so it didn’t matter if he wore the prison uniform. Judge Darrow even told him why, to help him negate any jury bias.
In one of my modules from a previous unit, the positioning of the accused inside a courtroom is a big deal. It’s proven in studies that if the accused was held behind glass in the courtroom, sitting directly across from the jury (intimidating to them) changed their perception of the person appearing before them. As well as clothing, look, hairstyle and more.
But, nope. This guy insisted on looking like a seasoned jailbird for his first impression and introduction to the jury.
Every time I tune in, his bewildering arrogance leaves me in shock and shaking my head; the constant disrespect and accusations, the 456748673712834 times he should have been taken from the court andhad the shit beaten out of him held in contempt. (I’m aware that someone already incarcerated doesn’t take “held in contempt” as a threat) I’ve never seen someone show such disrespect for a judge, jury or courtroom. It’s like watching a young and inexperienced0 teacher or mother arguing with her child. Darrell Brooks continues to yell insults, accusations that the state is deliberately railroading him into mistakes and picking fights with the prosecution and judge. It’s at this stage, that my attention is on Judge Dorow as much as the low-class joke of a pleb wildly gesturing in front of her.
She is responsible for upholding the respect and sanctity of a court and the lawful process, power and jurisdiction. I have NEVER witnessed a judge allow some loser to talk to them like they’re the same level of social standing, education or public administration. Brooks yelling at her, telling her that he doesn’t like her tone and screaming that his ex lied and said she was 18 when he impregnated her as a minor…are now cringey for another reason – This public officer, making a lot of money, with the world watching her as she presides over a terrible crime is REPEATEDLYTAKING HIS SHIT.
And the news coverage is trying hard to catch up to the popularity of LawTube but they need to stop with their opinions on Judge Dorow’s amazing patience and being “a good person.” At a certain stage, a judge needs to stamp out the idiocy and disrespect to the families in attendance. He (allegedly-not convicted yet.*rolls eyes*) killed 6 people and injured over 60! And he is allowed to lead the court on tangents that go nowhere as an excuse to scream at people.
His defense tactic appears(?) to be: to slow down and distract proceedings in some ego-fuelled battle against the judge every single time he says anything, to try and play the sovereign citizen/freeman strawman card, to argue that all the witnesses didn’t actually see HIM behind the wheel, that his car manufacturer recalled the make of his car due to break failure. (later investigated and irrelevant/tested and unrelated. His breaks were in working order at the time of the parade.)
Things like this usually get referred to as a trainwreck — it’s not pleasant to look at…but you can’t look away. I’m still expecting him to lose his shit once again and call the prosecutor a fat bitch. I wish someone would put his unintelligent, arrogant and irritating ass out of its misery- and by that I mean –
-Somehow make it mandatory that he gets adequate counsel because he is obviously struggling to represent himself, something 25th amendment-like.
– Give him another/stringent mental assessment. He clearly needs one.
-Let him outside the court and let nature take its course.
^^^((LOL That’s a joke, for the willingly offended.))
“I’m a grown man with grown kids, ain’t nobody gonna talk to me like that” Darrell Brooks jnr to Judge Dorow
Ohhhh, shut the fuck up, you vacuous clown. It literally reminds me of lil Matteo from back in the day. Except that little dude was super cute and fun to watch, and I’d never want to stab him in the eye with a fork.
All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden
Australia does not Exist
It’s time to admit it and come clean. I can’t sit by and watch any longer as the world continues to treat everything like it’s normal, believing the lies of corporations and governments. It’s hard for me to admit that I was taken in by “them,” and I accepted a vast payment in order to pretend I live in a place as fictitious as Narnia. I tell people I live in Australia. But…
When you think about it – it’s obvious. Come on, the animals that supposedly live in Australia? Do you really believe an animal like a Platypus could be real? A duck that is classified as a mammal, that is furry, has webbed feet, a duck’s bill, two dicks and doesn’t quack. Sweet, no wonder you believe the lies Bill Gates and Anthony Gremlin Fauci peddle. Apparently, you also believe we have Kangaroos(?!) – the mammal that can jump several feet, grow as high as 6 foot, and carry their Joeys(babies) in a pouch while they do this. Oh, and the people of Australia can apparently eat them too.
I was sucked into being an actor to perpetuate the narrative, coming home from training one night. They told me I didn’t have time for jiujitsu anymore. I was offered a salary for the rest of my life, and then told that I had to go to an old warehouse on a nearby island, to a sound stage to make various videos: stand in front of bushland sets and strong spotlights to create harsh sunlight. I was blindfolded on the way there so I don’t know where we go but I can tell you that it is an island not far from where they pretend Australia lies.
The first day was difficult because we had to learn the “Aussie accent”…the words kinda of ran together and the emphasis was on different parts of the words I already knew.
CONdoms, CLIToris for example.
My dialect coach told me I was one of the best students. I was fast at learning all the new slang and weird, made up, words. THEN they told me about the drop bears. They explained: when they were making the Australian animals in a lab and decided on a koala, something got into the DNA sequence and suddenly there was an abundance of violent and vicious specimens. They told me that they’d named them drop bears and to make sure I warn people about them because they were running loose everywhere and when it was finally mainstream news, they wanted to blame Australia. The perception we had to show was that they were entirely contained to this land, Australia, along with the other terrifying snakes, spiders and crocodiles.
Crocodile tastes like chicken with the consistency of a fish fillet, and the satisfaction you’re eating a dinosaur.
When we meet foreigners who think they are on vacation in Australia, we make sure we turn it on. Sometimes the accent slips, so we’ve been instructed to pretend there are different states, and therefore, very slight different accents and this can happen with all ages, young and old. The excuse covers nasal, or too-much twang in the words when some of us can’t get it perfect on the day. We are also punished if we screw this up too many times.
We drink a lot of alcohol so that the cliched Aussie stereotypes make the holiday-makers feel they’re getting a genuine Australian experience, sitting outside pubs and talking about footy, the national game our bosses made up. They combine Rugby, Gaelic Football, Soccer and others to create a game that the majority of or Australians are said to watch and follow. You may see some of the actors dressed in their club’s colours and talking about a game they’ve seen…but the television coverage is a stadium that has been filled with CGI fans.
We also say c*nt. A lot. It’s like a comma for most of us…it was the plan, just to see how much we could get away with… LOL
You know what?….fuck it.
Look, Australia is real. We pay taxes (taxation is theft,) we drive on roads, we have components of history that are dark, and we have great advances in the technology and pharma sector, a lot in sports too. We have buildings, planes, towns, huge cities, rural areas, animals, schools, all different races and people. We have politicians who are seemingly bought and paid for by other countries, and a big USA installation in the middle of the country called Pine Gap that is U.S land and was responsible, during Obama’s reign, for routing missiles over the Middle East.
I know some people believe that Australia is listed as a corporation and the (late) Queen used the birth certificates of all the people in her lands to borrow money against ( eg how much that person will earn in their lifetime etc. Freeman/strawman stuff that the felon Darrel Brooks is attempting to use as a defense in his court case at the moment.) BUT I go to work, I’ve been to school, I’ve lived here. For better or worse, we’re here. Australia in all it’s nannystate, cucked glory exists. We live in a visual paradise, beaches, rock formations and all the things you might find in a calendar too.
I get a laugh out of people making “upside down” jokes and telling me I am a figment of their imagination because Australia “isn’t real” but…if you really believe it…
All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden
I’ve been gaming too much lately, my hands are sprained and I need a break from typing. Yes, this admission makes me more of a lame nerd but, here we are. I didn’t feel like writing a 1000 word post…so here is the first one I ever wrote when I launched my website Ever Eden I updated a few things this morning (links to socials etc) I didn’t know what to expect when I started the site, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t give a fuck though. Writing is always something I’ve done. I figured that I would just start somewhere. This was originally posted July 7th 2017 and titled EVER FOREVER, it’s FLASHBACK time!
Ahh, there’s nothing like the feeling of a fresh blog post.
I am Ever Eden, nice to meet you. I was planning to release King of Spades a long time ago. The idea for the series was born in the middle of a tutorial class in late high school while I was staring out of a window and wishing someone would call in a bomb threat so I could GTFO and go home. Instead, I (literally) put pen to paper and started a story that would be with me for the rest of my life.
My first trilogy was written when I was 13 and it was a thriller/horror story about a series of murders perpetrated by teens in the Australian outback. I decorated the A4 paper ‘cover’ with red smears of nail varnish and stuck it all in plastic display files. I still have somewhere but I have not seen it for a long time. I found through the years right after that there weren’t many people who understood the way I thought and that to get anywhere you seemingly needed to be a “break-out author” and be awarded grants for writing about “positive Australian Culture” and other things that I just couldn’t be interested in for long enough to make a real go of. My mind was always been elsewhere. I was also not in the habit of kissing ass or trying to squeeze through a circle when I am very clearly a dented and messed up square peg that cannot help a morbid sense of humour, alongside a self-deprecating one.
I frequented activist circles after 9/11 when laws were changing and the USA Patriot Act was signed in. People were choosing sides based on the types of information they were being exposed to and it was incredibly eye-opening. Through study and exposure to various rules n regs, PTB and history, I wrote articles and Op Eds based on the changing of the world, technologies and laws born from the era. I also made contacts online with various pockets of people across the USA who were interested in maintaining their rights and way of life in the face of not only attacks and terrorism from elsewhere but the nets closing around regular folk in the name of protection from these things. So, how did I do?
Those are my thoughts at midnight during my first post!
The concepts woven into fiction within King of Spades and the rest of the Darkrose novels seemed unheard of where I lived but thanks to friends around the world, I was exposed to movements, theories and protests I wouldn’t have seen trickled down versions of in my city. Nowadays, it is a little different with the growth of YouTube, social media and more…and maybe that’s why things have just worked out where I would finally be releasing the story in a time where people could understand what they were reading a little easier (a ruling class, secret government bodies etc.) even though what I write is still considered sci-fi/action/semi-speculative with romantic subplots.
King of Spades
The book is a simple read involving real world elite agents tasked with neutralising a “conspiracy theorist.” Throw in some smart-mouth civilian collateral, a hastily-dumped (sexy AF) ex-boyfriend and a kick-ass chick with an arsenal you’d only see if you jumped into a time machine and went fifty years into the future and you get King of Spades…sort of. There is mention of other cool things like bio-weapons and strange munitions and weapons.
All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden
Watching Over
The end of an era.
OVERWATCHcame into my life when my online romance started and it was there for me when it ended. He was obsessed with Overwatch. Due to the time difference, I’d be at work and check my phone to see him in-game and playing…for my whole shift. I didn’t get it. I’d been a “gamer” from a while back but weened off. This one brought me back. I’d log in from work and see him in a game with other people -for hours- and I didn’t understand it but when he’d moved onto another game and Blizzard had a sale…I bought Overwatch.
When you start play they give you a choice of “heroes” and I chose the one that mostly resembled my style and looked cool. WIDOW. If you know anything about Overwatch, you are cringing right now. She is a high-skilled hero and your ass better be good at her, or people get fucking MAD. It was my first game of Overwatch –ever– and it’d been a long time since playing anything that required aim or a good enough internet connection that it didn’t lag and make skill and effort obsolete.
I was bad at the game. Having come from years of barely playing anything, and some point and click choose-your-own-ending types…I found the action and FPS But when I broke my rib in BJJ, and I had to sit still for a while…the tables turned. I chose a hero that I wanted to focus on and it was one where you could press the attack button and her weapon would find the nearest target. It suited me find with the bad internet connection and the pc that needed serious upgrading. Then I got slightly obsessed, I wanted to be good at it, it wasn’t toally about the game because let’s face it, yes it has a good story line, but it’s probably geared towards a younger demographic. The heroes range from a sexy French assassin to a fat pigman hybrid from New Zealand, and the art is somewhat cartoonish.
I started as DPS (damage per second/offensive role) but as I settled into the game, I gravitated towards a support role eg: healing and occasionally yeeting people. The support character I chose was MOIRA. If Moira was a real person, we wouldn’t be friends. She’s kinda evil, rude, and a Geneticist who insults other characters with auto-dialogue you can’t stop her saying. She can suck energy from people with one hand and heal with the other and these are called Biotic grasp (to damage and suck power) and Biotic Orbs.
To be a good Moira player I think you need to:
Be aware of your cool downs (how long it takes to build your abilities up again after exertion.) Because if you run out, you may find yourself with no way to escape a dangerous situation.
Support means both healing and helping to damage if possible/warranted.
Moira players have a reputation for using damage more than helping teammates. You ALWAYS get accused of not doing your job if the team starts losing. Just heal and let your commend card speak for itself at the end.
Go towards the danger sometimes- because n00bies never expect it. Eg if you get hooked, you can go through RoadHog, not backwards. Then you swing around and plant a nice big, deadly purple damage orb right up his ass.
Always be aware of your team: where are they? Make sure your healing ball ends up where the majority of your team will be in another 2 seconds. Pay attention to the outlines of your team, if you see a team mate coming from behind a wall needing heals, send a ball up to meet them.
Just because you’re a healer doesn’t mean you don’t help the other healer. Keep them alive too, they help you.
I am a Moira main and people love it. I have (maybe embarrassingly) over 1000 hours playing her. I have a couple hundred on a DPS character and on some Tanks too, but Moira is my favourite. I know her timing, her speed, her abilities, and how they can tilt the game. *Toots my own horn* Yes. I’ve seen the game change if I come into a team halfway through and we get the win, I even got to the point where other players would recognise my name and tell me they were ecstatic I was on their team or tell me I was the best Moira they’d ever seen.
(They may be 12 year olds behind the screen or 40 year old dudes, I didn’t find out a lot of the time.) Sometimes I did. I’ve made female and male friends. I have close friends of varied ages because of Overwatch and gaming in general. It keeps me being cool. LOL I sometimes get a head’s up on the latest Zoomer-lingo and trends so I can know just how to shit all over it when the majority gets to know them.
We decided to play until the end last night. Everyone online was asking the other team to let them get kills or achievements they hadn’t yet and a lot of people INCLUDING MY team were leaving matches in order to roll the dice and get put into one of our favourite maps/levels. It was chaos. But I do credit the game for being something that saved me in some of my darkest weeks and loneliest times. It introduced me to something I could disappear into for a couple of hours every day and talk to people I’d never have met IRL, and it was a nice escape when I needed to release the pressure. It also kept me entertained during the biggest psyop in recent history, the Plandemic/Coof saga.
The servers shut off last night, to get everything ready for Overwatch Two to be playable. One by one, the maps fizzled, and the game modes disappeared. Arcade modes disappeared first – the weird games or capture the flag modes etc. Then the competitive mode so no one could get a rank anymore…and then finally the maps started dropping off…and then there was this screen:
Goodbye, Overwatch original.
You were my first dip back into the world of gaming and helped me through some mental health issues, loneliness and sports injury. Also, something to do while I was locked in my own house due to government overreach.
*Original Overwatch hasw now ceased to exist, except maybe as an ARCADE MODE version in the new game?
All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden