
September 8, 2022 2:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts


I live in a Commonwealth country. You can imagine the media right now.


The queen didn’t play a noticeable role in our country for the last few generations, besides owning all the land I stand on lol. When you buy a house, she owns the land under it etc and all your titles belong to the crown technically. People like to say the woman didn’t factor into the countries still under her “rule” (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other  (Barbados, St Lucia, PNG etc)…So there are a lot of street names, boats and all kinds of things that are named after her or the members of the royal family. This includes the usual like hospitals, navy ships and army equipment, wings of the local zoo and more.

Many articles and talking heads also claim the queen is/was worth 500 million USD. Other reports say the “family business” is worth 23 billion –and that’s a lot of money! OMG~

They own $28 billion in real estate assets (2021) which cannot be sold, according to Forbes.

  • The Crown Estate: $19.5 billion
  • Buckingham Palace: $4.9 billion
  • The Duchy of Cornwall: $1.3 billion
  • The Duchy of Lancaster: $748 million
  • Kensington Palace: $630 million
  • The Crown Estate of Scotland: $592 million

Just a thought, how much do you think Australia is worth? How much do you think the infrastructure, economy, undiscovered gold in the mines of Western Australia, and more are worth? How much do you think the people of Australia making money are worth? The tourism and the movie industries etc etc. Now multiply that by 15 countries, and all the backdoor deals we’ll never know about. I’ve always found it quite ignorant when people say she is irrelevant/just a figurehead. She might not be pulling the strings in your face, but her cronies always were…and I’m not sure if that was always her fault or what she wanted or intended.

While the rest of the world spits out articles featuring commoners who got to meet her when she was forced to make an appearance in their city, and the time she waved at them or wore one of her well-documented fancy ensembles…my country is pissing me off. MSM to be specific. (surprise, surprise.) Anything to get clicks. Anyone to get clicks…

Some of my experience with the Queen:

We’ve spoken about the Queen, and the royal family, my whole life. We’re originally from the UK; there are usually news stories that some family is interested in.

The Queen visited this shitberg place where I live in 2011. Australia even had a limited edition coin released to commemorate the occasion.

CHOGM was a big deal, apparently, one of the biggest this one-horse town had seen so far…

The premier of this state at the time (GMO, nanny state-loving cuck who everyone under the age of 65 hated) rigged it so all the traffic lights were green, from the airport to where the Queen was staying. THE WHOLE WAY- for her and the entourage, citing safety reasons, which make sense…though not many people seemed like they cared enough to bother security. It looked like the only people who cared were very old people who wouldn’t be making the journey into the city, and beyond, to stand in a line in the sun all day for a glimpse of her car.

When she attended the meeting (Bilderberg for the Commonwealth countries) people were told to stay away from the city unless it was necessary. We didn’t want to go anyway, trust me, you fucks. On that note though, LOL, I did go. I just wanted to see what it was like.

There were articles about apparent snipers on roofs, stop-and-search parties roaming the streets lawfully able to stop anyone to check their bags, pockets and phones. There was also an EMP-like measure where all phones in the area were killed within a certain radius so they couldn’t receive or send calls/texts. Naturally, I had to find out if this shit was true…So I was there for a few hours to scope it out, but nothing happened. My phone seemed okay, no one tried to stop me walking around so maybe the articles and nightly news were effective in scaring commoners from being in the city.



Even though the royal family changed their surname to Windsor to divert attention from less-than-savoury ties to a Nazi-affiliated history, there are streets in Melbourne and a suburb called “Coburg” because history doesn’t forget…. (and neither does a good internet forum that hasn’t been deliberately taken over and made into co-intelpro by the feds. *Ahem*  Let’s Roll, ahem 9/11.)

So for the newly-initiated just waking up to the fact that the world IS FULL of little gems hidden in plain site and the media passes off as crazy conspiracy-theory, some of us were jumping up and down screaming about it for years and wondering why no one was looking. LOL Ya’ll looking now though, huh? The problem is that these days there are more crackpots than ever sporting their “truths” and deliberately leading people in strange directions rather than just looking into paths that begin with evidence.



Aside from the homage to the royal family through naming of rec halls and hospitals, the obvious component the Queen (technically) had a hand in is/was through the “Governor General” who is often the the highest authority on high court appeals and things within the parliament or government that pertain to law. He/she is the Queen’s go-between if needed…but it’s mostly symbolic now(?) because there is not much call for this person to do that kind of duty. The current AG was sworn in only June this year.

What is the proper role of the Attorney General in Australia?

I know that our Parliament Question time (our Congress kinda) is illegal to stream as parody or chop up to make jokes of, and that sucks -because if you watch it – it can get pretty fuckng lame and funny. When William and what’s-her-face were married, Australia was warned that if there was a narration over the top or comedic stars making fun of the service the palace was literally going to “cut the feed” to Australia (excuse me while I cry at the near-loss of that opportunity.)



Unlike some parts of the world, this lame, (forever trying-to-be-controversial) country’s admitted and proud LEFT wing has used the monarch’s death to push their politics. (I go with what I think’s correct on any given subject so stfu about your left/right paradigm if you’re going to go there) Some of the posts I’ve seen  have been in ridiculously bad taste, and these assclowns operate with no accountability from their brainwashed bases. I’ve seen jabs at colonization by white people, immediate pushes towards making this place a republic

*Please, you idiotic plebs, you can’t even keep a prime minister in without their own party backstabbing them and installing a person no one voted for.

So…I’m not sure what I think of a monarchy, (though it seems to be mostly in-name-only,) versus a republic. What I do know –  it’s just not classy, and it’s not edgy lol. There is an Aussie Larikin persona that we play up to and that you see in things like the latest Mortal Kombat movie, Crocodile (f m l) Dundee and more. Aussies are supposed to be cheeky and funny…but it’s changing with the interpretation of spoilt Twitter-type brats.

This monarchy and the last few generations have seen a new way royalty is done in relations to the regular people and the building of

It rings pathetic to anyone over the age of 16 who has a fully-functioning mind…We must always question authority, their past, their motives and more but  it’s just bad taste to bash an old woman before her body is even in the ground. When you’re a public figure, you’re open to all sorts of slander, criticism and rumour. I understand that, but look, no one wants to hear your shit at the moment, so please shut the fuck up and stop trying to get attention for like…just a week or something.


>>Everyone else; <<

You are a part of history.

You are watching a changing of the guard.


You just saw a person who was a symbol of western values and order have her last picture taken with a WEF shill. And you saw her oldass son sit on a chair to take her place, keeping inside the gloating at the fortune and power finally handed over.

What does this death mean?

It means many things to many people, but don’t get distracted because the only thing you can count on in any situation like this is that COUNTLESS PEOPLE WILL FIND A WAY TO GAIN FROM IT; politicians, clickbait news companies – all industries you can thinn of. This is definitely a very important time in history, like 9/11, like the other psyop scam with the pox…

All we can do is be thankful we were here to observe it, however the pieces fall at the end.






*Get over yourself and S T F U about things you have no knowledge on, unless you state you’re talking out of your ass or it’s an OP-ED to begin with.

*Stop trying to be an edge lord, it’s lame.

*Everyone has an opinion, this is mine.








Some stuff I’ve seen the last few days:

Ben Shapiro’s vid mentions some key times in the monarch’s reign as well as observations on tasteless celebrities giving their unwanted opinions.

He does have some  information incorrect (coming from me, a person who is in a commonwealth country who came from the UK) But it’s a good vid to watch. He doesn’t mention Diana’s linage or anything that builds sense around why what happened to her did, but he somehow includes her in this vid(?) and describes her as unstable etc, cheating on Prince Charles etc (no mention that Charles was actually involved with Camilla prior to their courtship etc etc) Things that I guess aren’t common knowledge to Americans/other. But the sentiment is close to what most of the world seems to have right now; politically she was mostly symbolic and a symbol of western values, she was a figurehead, an old lady annnnnd now she’s passed away so s t f u for 5 mins while some of our countries figure out whose face is going on our money, what to rename all the hospitals, navy ships etc. We’re busy. Take your attention seeking vacuous shit to twitter and leave us alone until some other meaningless news story tickles your fancy enough to waste your last two brain cells thinking about and turning into a rant.


Here is an old album I was reminded of, by the OG truther rap star GEMINEYE. This album in particular dropped a lot of knowledge into lyrics that are worth analysing or studying.

Yes, crude at times, but the occult, esoteric, historic and biblical threads are definitely very interesting in all  his work.

















All content is no copyright infringement intended. All posts are opinion only and are subject to change due to experience, kicking ass and learning how to adult more effectively. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Elements of original content may be reproduced with expressed permission from Ever Eden






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