Who’s dat Girl?
August 5, 2021 1:46 am Leave your thoughtsOnly Fans? Pfft. Fuck that.
More memoir thoughts.
I dip my toes in…
…with posts like this one and this series. It’s fun to write about things that have happened in my life in that cathartic/closure/validation way. I never did it for that reason originally, but I’m full of stories…and I like to make people laugh. My stories are entertaining, sad, funny and embarrassing, like the time I spoke to a famous person and didn’t think they heard my joke so I said it again and they were like -__-
The stories I’ve lived are going to waste if I’m the only one who knows I’ve lived them. I’m proof you can have a boring life on paper (eg I don’t have copious passport stamps or prestigious job titles) and still have a life that’s sometimes been sitcom movie-worthy. I know I’ve hinted at it before with references to domestic abuse, watching a gambling addiction and a drug one, guns, counselling, incurable illness, and more but there is a lot to say.
Some lives are blessed with only a couple of dramas and tragedy. Others picked up the slack.
Reasons for a Memoir:
Experiencing some of my life was very lonely, maybe it could help someone else going through similar situations.
I might feel better? I’ve worked through a lot over, but maybe it would feel even better to write some stuff?
If I want to revisit, it will be there in black and white AND there will be an end to the thinking about it when I reach the bottom of the page. In theory.
I can feel like some of the things I went through were worth something, if what I write entertains someone else.
I go to waste and no one knows my story. I’m not boring, I’m not ugly or lacking a personality, there’s been a lot of experiences.
Reasons to STFU
No one cares, lady.
Do people read memoirs by “nobodies” anyway? – the answer is yes, see here 😛
Is mum going to be okay with reading your sordid revelations? (lol)
And then what? What if I have more to say or to add? What if I forget something important? (I guess I write it here later instead? I get a Patreon and people buy me a coffee to hear the sad/humiliating tales that didn’t make it into the memoir? LOL)
It probably has to have a point. Which I don’t have…or recognise yet.
For me to feel like it’s worthwhile, it’s probably going to need to help people in some way too.
I’ve found that most people seem to have all the incidental occurrences we all experience in day-to day life, but one or two major life-changing or turning points; usually a marriage or baby, a nasty divorce or breakup, maybe a job loss that resulted in chaos, someone important who died, a person they had a fling with overseas etc.
I would like to know these stories. How did it change the person? What was their growth/recovery process? Did they get the old them back? How did they choose that event out of all the years in their lives to talk about? Did they have a personality disorder that made these things amplify or did they realise they felt not as much as they “should?”
We’re already writing our own vacuous, shallow memoirs on social media every day. We post about our food, our friends, the girl at work who pisses us off, the boy we like…the only difference is that someone in the CIA will read your one-liner truncated recount rather than people who could really enjoy it or learn from a more elaborate version.

Click for the Mr Passion saga
I think I’m going to do it. I don’t know where to start, or when I will work on it with 100% of my attention. I have materials for decades…but how do you boil it down to the decent meat you can sink your fangs into?
I’ll get back to you on that one.
What do people want to know/learn from/would get a kick out of? The ex who tried to run me down in his car and I hid in a Red Rooster with equally as terrified teenagers? That time I was trying to get up to some 😉 hanky panky on a kitchen counter and we smashed a 3 litre glass bottle of tomato sauce? Oh wait, wait, the time I almost accidentally jumped out of a 15th storey hotel window in Melbourne? Or do I write about the my family and what it’s gone through the last few years, or my illnesses etc. There’s a lot to choose from, but I have to find a point to my story and the relevant stuff to accompany it. It’s going to take time.
Fuck, it’s been a strange life so far…why not let someone get a laugh or learn from my stupid choices?
*I’m not starting an Only Fans account. Relax.
*I think I’m going to write that memoir…when I figure out how to start.
*”Nobodies” count too.
*We all have stories.
*Our stories may be able to help others.
*Sign up to my eventual newsletter. I hate spam and fleeting virtue signal bandwagon BS so it will most likely be the weekly blog post and a couple of pics from Instagram which may, or may, not feature my chest. Or food. Or flowers. Or my feline friends. Or cocktails etc.